A way to lose weight that we’re totally down with (so Anti-Diet!), the ultimate list of superfoods, how to make French fries at home and more in today’s Foodie Finds!
The new rules of weight-loss. —Experience Life
The ultimate superfood list. —Fit Bottomed Mamas
How to make oven-baked fries. —Cooking Light
Seven Thai desserts you didn’t even know existed. —Food Republic
We LOVE this series. —The Atlantic
Because we love avocado. —Jah9
This is what happens when you live according to Pinterest for a week … —BuzzFeed
Ish juicers say. —The Chalkboard
A dairy-free yogurt alternative that’s delicious. —Fit Bottomed Girls
Could you live according to Pinterest for a week? I might be able to with food, but hair and DIY home projects? Oh, lord, help me! —Jenn