Whether you’re needing to feed a healthy crowd, are dating a total (awesome) beer nerd or are looking to drink the perfect glass of chocolate milk (yum … chocolate milk), these Foodie Finds are for you. So much good stuff here!
A DIY Cobb salad. Genius! —Fitbie
What it’s like to date a beer nerd. —First We Feast
7 ways to make corn chowder — for all your dietary needs. —Food & Wine
How to make the perfect glass of chocolate milk. —The Daily Meal
A new use for those power tools. Awesome. —Food Republic
Man, how did turkey get such a bad sleep rap? —Cooking Light
So fresh and so clean, clean (for a good cause!). —Fit Bottomed Mamas
Because you can never have too many kale recipes. —Experience Life
Who wants to have a cobb salad get-together? —Jenn